Dorset Rural Music School is running a short series of lecture recitals entitled Baroque Basics starting on the 22nd June 2023:
They will be given by the excellent baroque violinist Emma-Marie Kabanova. I went to a recital she gave yesterday in Blandford Parish Church. Among other well played pieces, all very nicely introduced and put into context, she played the Tartini Devil's Trill sonata which, judging from comments online, is a remarkably difficult piece indeed but in Emma-Marie's performance never sounded a struggle. She is giving another recital of unaccompanied violin music in the Minster at Wimborne - worth fitting in if you are in the neighbourhood: Monday 17th July 2023 at 12:30 p.m. (She also has some videos on Youtube. I particularly liked the Barbara Strozzi one.)
The Dorset Rural Music School intends to start their own baroque ensemble. No details yet but it sounds as if Emma-Marie will be running it, starting in Spring 2024. I've registered my interest in order to learn more later on and hope some of you will too. (Visit the Dorset Rural Music School website for contact details.)